Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Are we really that different...

Everywhere we turn around people on the TV try to tell us that we are different. We see every possible basis of difference extolled by our popular culture. Whether it is the color of our skin, our religious faith, how we choose to express love, our gender, it seems that everyone wants to point out the differences.

What if we were more alike than different? Would that alter our perception of the outside world? If we truly looked at the person next to us, or accross from us as a brother rather than a stranger, would we see hate so rampant?

I am sure you have heard of the game...Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. It is a take on the idea that we are separated by anyone else in the world by no more than 6 persons. That our relationships are that interconnected. If so, why should we hate our fellow man? If it is true that matter can neither be created nor destroyed. Then all the matter that makes up all objects and things sprang forth from the big bang at the start of time. If this is true than we are truly all connected in a profound way.

Think about this next time you hear someone trying to point out our differences.

Knowlege truly is the ultimate power, lets be downright dangerous my friends.

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