Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It is time to call them out..

The Republican party, under the leadership of the neo-cons is in its death throes and we must be careful that they don't succeed in taking the nation down with them. Look at the rhetoric and their participation in our democracy since Barack Obama took the oath of office and it becomes apparent.

They have criticized every plan, suggestion or policy initiative brought forth by the Democratic leadership in Washington and elsewhere. They voted against the stimulus plan that sought to cut taxes for working Americans. They cried out when consideration was being debated to help save companies that employ blue-collar workers. They are now attacking the plan to overhaul healthcare in this country. Has any of the leaders put forth constructive suggestions of their own? Not one. They still propose the same policies that led to the economic crisis that we are in, and those that caused the last major economic crisis, the Great Depression.

The Republican Party has become the party of ideas, no help to average working Americans, no to anything that doesn't benefit the wealthiest 1%. You listen to their mouthpieces, Rush, Beck, Dobbs, Hannity, and all you hear is hate speech. Rush, when you say you hope Obama fails, you are saying you hope America fails, and I hope that all who care about America choose not so spend any money with any company that sponsors such speech. This is no better than Sarah Palin pandering to the closet racist in an effort to blunt the Obama surge in November.

I am not the greatest supporter of our President. I think he should listen to people like Paul Krugman, Bernie Sanders, and Dennis Kucinich and push his agenda with more vigor. Push for single-payer or a public option with the same enthusiasm that he used in the campaign. It is also imperative that the grassroots movement that swept Obama to the White House get out there and get active and keep on until the job is done. Don't be afraid to point to the hate speech and call it racist. Dare the opposition to stand up and put forth something more than the same worn out rhetoric. Challenge the opposition to put forth their own plans for vigorous debate. On this the 40th Anniversary of Woodstock, we need to harness the passion of the anti-war movement and push our leaders in Washington to do the people's business and usher in an era of change.

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