Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Hypocrisy of the Pro Life Right

One look at the slate of bills promulgated by the Republicans in Congress and the State Houses across the nation points out that the pro-life movement and their sympathizers in government care nothing about lowering the instance of abortion in the nation. In fact it points to a movement that seeks to marginalize women and return them to a status that would resemble the lot of women in Afghanistan under the Taliban.

In the first five months of the year, legislatures have raced each other to see who could come up with the most restrictive abortion bill short of an all out ban. Coming in a close second are bills that seek to eliminate funding to non-profit agencies whose primary goal is the promotion of women's health issues and access to medical care for women. In short Koch Industries subsidiary, otherwise known as the Republican Party has declared war on women.

Within all of this debate, no serious proposal to promote contraception, including the promotion of condom use could be found. If one is truly wishing to see abortions become a rare event, it would only make sense to seek to promote the use of contraception so that the instances of unintended pregnancies begin to diminish.

In the not too distant past, when HIV and AIDS were synonyms for death, safe sex became fashionable. Condoms awareness exploded and even the schools began to include safe sex as a topic within health education program. Condoms also are unique, in that not only do they have a good record of protection against STDs but they also, prevent unintended pregnancies.

So next time you see the Pro-Life people proselytizing about their cause, challenge them to put the same effort towards promotion the use of condoms. If they are serious about ending abortion, they should readily embrace this cause. If they balk, ask them point blank, are the trying to resign women, especially poor women to breeding class of their own conception?

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