Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Lies the Right are telling America about Debt Limit Increase

For the last month, the Republicans in Congress have been telling lies to the American people and are playing partisan games with the financial health of the word markets. The demand amendments which stipulate spending cuts in exchange for the passage of this bill. This is a debate best left for the ongoing budget negotiations.
In reality a vote to raise the debt ceiling does nothing to increase spending, other than ensuring that interest on our bonds is paid in a timely manner, and all the other bills are paid in a timely manner as stipulated in the budget passed for this fiscal year. No increase of spending can occur without corresponding legislation authorizing such spending. There is nothing to be gained in stalling something that all parties recognize as necessary for the good of the nation and the financial markets.
Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic caucus offered to support a clean bill, one that simply raises the debt ceiling, thus reassuring markets and announcing to the world that the U.S. will continue to pay its obligations like clockwork. Speaker Boehner has flatly refused and continues to listen to Grover Norquist and the Koch brothers and continue a course of brinkmanship that might destroy the world's financial markets and reduce us to little more than a 3rd world country. Even Ronald Regan emphasized the necessity of performing this task as he was working with his Congress to hammer out a budget agreement. To do otherwise is plain irresponsible.
After they do what must be done, the House and Senate should begin to examine the only responsible budget proposal made this year. The People's Budget, created by the Progressive Caucus is the only one that seriously addresses America's future and its fiscal stability. This budget calls for shared sacrifice to stabilize our nation's finances while it invests in the future. This budget plan creates a balanced budget in 3 years, produces a budget surplus in 2021, and by then drives the national debt down to less than 65% of GDP. It does this while investing in infrastructure repair and modernization, education, and clean energy driven energy independence. Call upon your members of congress and tell them to pass the damn debt ceiling increase and take up the People's Budget.

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